Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Third Weigh-In Loss/Gain Loss 4.6lbs

Just weighed in today and I LOST 4.6lbs for a total of 10.4 lbs since I started Weight Watchers 3 weeks ago. I kept better track of what AND how much I eat at each meal, I have nutritious snacks in between meals so I don't feel so hungry at regular meal time. The leader at Weight Watchers told me she could see a difference in my face already. I have also noticed a difference in the way my clothes fit now, even with just a 10lb weight loss. There is hope for me yet!!! I still want to get down to about 220 lbs by summer, but we will see. I will not get discouraged if I don't lose that much, because I know that any amount lost AND kept off is improving my overall health. NOW I need to start exercising on a more regular basis.
You know, it is funny. Now that I am watching what I eat, I don't really miss sweets that much. I found some great snacks that have low fat and/or high fiber that are good and filling!!
Thanks for all the support you guys are giving me, maybe we should compare notes sometime on weight loss. . . Any takers??? Just kidding.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Week 2 weight loss/gain gain 1.4lb

Well, I guess I got too cocky after my great first weeks loss. I thought it would be easy to keep going the way I was and just watch my intake. I found out that it is VERY easy to forget things eaten or lose track of what or how much is eaten. I cannot change this past week, but I can start monitoring what I eat again. I find I am drinking more healthy liquid (less diet soda) and looking at labels when purchasing food. There is no food I cannot eat, as long as I just watch HOW MUCH of it I eat.
Thanks for the support guys. It is nice to see I am not going through this alone. It kind of surprised me to see how the ladies support each other (and me) every week, through losses and gains. Support in this process is very important.
That is all for this week. More to come after next weeks weigh-in.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The First Weigh-In

Well, here it is, a week of being careful about what I eat, when I eat, etc. My weigh-in was Tuesday and . . . I lost 7.2 lbs!!! I am down to 261.6, what a drop for only one week!! I was very surprised to have lost that much already. I know that I won't lose that much every week, but it was an encouraging start. I am starting to walk more and still watching what I eat. I am definitely not used to writing down everything I eat or drink, but it has shown me how easy it is to just grab something to nibble on whenever. The boys could probable use more snacks and such around the house for them to munch on, but while I am watching what I eat, they will too, at least somewhat. I am learning to check the "points" on everything I eat, it is surprising how those points can add up while not being so much food. They also show the difference between filling food for just a few points and food that has a lot of points (low fiber or high fat) that don't keep you feeling full for very long.
I am not saying this is for everyone, but it works for me. More next week. Thanks for your support.