Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Weight Watchers Week 9

Well, after being sick with a minor bout of influenza last week, I weighed in today and lost 4.2 lbs, for a total of 19.2 since January 27. Another 8 lbs and I will have lost 10%. I am currently at 250lbs and want to lose another 30lbs by summer, I hope. 

This summer, after Shay leaves for Army Basic, I will be taking a motorcycle ride up to Billings, Mt for a bike rally. This will be the first long trip I will be taking on the bike. I am really looking forward to the trip. I will be taking some day and overnight trips before that so I can get a feel of how things will go.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Weight Watchers Update

Well here it is, 2 weeks later again, where does the time go???  Anyway, I lost 2 lbs last week at my weigh-in, bringing me down 5% of my begining weight. I can really see a difference in myself now. This week I lost another 1.6 lbs so my total weight loss is 15lb since the end of January!! Now I just need to keep going the way I have been. I know it wasn't going to be a quick thing, but now that I am seeing results I am much more motivated!!!

On another note, I was just told today that I am going to be a grandpa again later this year!!! Shannon and Dave are expecting another baby, she is about 5 weeks along so that would put her due date somewhere around Nov-Dec timeframe. This will be a very interesting year to say the least.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Weight Watchers Week 6

Hey all, I am sorry about missing the blog for last week. I guess I was a little down about gaining 1.4 lbs again. Anyway this past Tuesday, I weighed in and LOST 2.4 lbs!! My total weight loss so far is 11.4 lbs. It isn't much compared to my total weight but I have really noticed a difference. I just need to keep watching what and how much I eat AND keep exercising. That part should be easier now that warm weather is just around the corner. Here's to a lighter me for summer!!! :)