Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The First Day of My Journey

Well, I just read my mom's email on her medical update. Quite eye opening for me at least. Diabetes and high cholesterol, that is telling me that those may be in my own future. Speaking of my future, I have taken the first steps toward improving myself so my chances of those and other major medical problems in the future hopefully will be lessened. I attended my first Weight Watchers class this afternoon. It is offered through my employer and I decided that it was time to actively work to lose the excess weight I have been carrying around these past few years. If I don't lose this weight and keep it off, I could be headed straight for a heart attack or stroke or...
My weight today is 269.8 lbs. I am learning to track what I eat, change my eating habits, and control my hunger and the portions I eat at each meal. My ideal weight is about 180 lbs. This will give me a body mass index (BMI) of around 23 - 24. I hope to be down to around 220 lbs for the summer. Weight Watchers wants me to set up a weight management plan to lose about 2 lbs a week. If I achieve this goal, I will be at around 220 in about 6 months.
A BMI of greater than 25 is considered overweight, greater than 30 is considered obese. My current BMI is probably around 40 or so. I want to be around for Julia (and any other grandchildren that may come along) for many years to come. I am doing this not only for my own health but for the enjoyment of being surrounded with my extended family for many years.
I will be going to these classes once a week for 12 weeks in this initial session. I will keep you up to date on my progress as time goes on.